Herbs Secrets

Herbal Spiced Mulled Wine

A traditional holiday recipe with an herbal twist

Mulled Herbal Wine

’Tis the season for all things cozy. The holidays offer an excuse to indulge a little, as we should during these dark days of winter. Treating yourself is one of the many pleasures of life that make it sweet and joyful.

As herbalists, these are the occasions we get to infuse traditions with our favorite herbs. During this season, nothing beats cozying up by the fireplace with a warm mug of something soothing to the nervous system and mood, and even better when enjoyed with loved ones.*

Mulled Wine is a traditional holiday beverage made with red wine and mulling spices. Guaranteed to warm you from the inside out, it’s the perfect addition to your plant-inspired holiday traditions.

In Germany, mulled wine is known as Glühwein or “glow wine” and is made with a shot of amaretto. In Prague, it is called svařák and is most commonly served without the addition of liquor. Travel over to Sweden, and you’ll get Gløgg- a wine made with blanched almonds, raisins, ginger, cardamom, and typically more sweetener.

The secret to this herbalists spiced mulled wine is our aromatic that’s added at the very end.

contains aromatic and nervine herbs like motherwort & lemon balm which work quickly to support the nervous system, ground the soul, soothe occasional tension and ease worry.W hile reducing occasional stress, supports you to keep the mood light, and promotes a positive mental attitude.*

Mindfully let go of tension, making room for love and gratitude this holiday season!

Joy Tonic Mulled Wine

Makes about 6 servings


  • One bottle of red wine: we used cabernet sauvignon, but any inexpensive red wine will work.
  • 2 cups apple cider
  • 1/4 cup honey (optional, depending on sweetness preference)
  • 6-7-star anise pods
  • 5-10 whole cloves
  • 5-10 cardamom pods
  • 10 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tablespoon black pepper
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger root
  • Urban Moonshine
  • Citrus slicesslice up oranges, or lemons to add as garnish at the end.


  1. Combine all ingredients except orange slices and Joy Tonic into a saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat then reduce to low heat and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  3. Before serving, strain out the spices and discard.
  4. Pour into serving glasses, and add in 1 tsp Joy Tonic to each glass
  5. Serve warm with the fresh orange slices.

DO AHEAD: Mulled Wine can be made 2 hours ahead. Strain out the spices, cover and let stand at room temperature. Rewarm gently over medium-low heat before adding Joy Tonic and serving.

Happy Holidays, dear friends!

Wishing you all a joyful and inspired season

Updated December 2021


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